Contact Roast A Pig

Friday, July 30, 2010

Officer Smith Harassing Citizens of Ahwatukee AZ

This is a comment from a concerned citizen of Ahwatukee.

I'm not sure if you can help, but hopefully you can direct me in the right
direction. My son was arrested last year; charged with aggravated assault for
calling a police officer an "asshole." While this is disrespectful, it is not
against the law.

In addition, the day after we bailed him out, we were contacted by an officer
"Smith" with the drug division in the Ahwatukee branch. He wanted my son to
inform on any and all drug offenders in the area to have his charges dropped. I
got involved and said we would meet with him as soon as I could arrange to have
a lawyer present. He stated if we sought legal counsel then all bets were off.

My son went to court 2 weeks later and the charges were dropped. Now all of a
sudden these charges have reappeared.

What are your thoughts? This whole thing seems dirty to me and I do not trust
our law enforcement officials nor do I trust the judges on our benches.

Please advise if you can.



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